Heemskerk academy

executive training

Everything you need to know


Why difficult?

Everything you need to know to master each difficult conversation

Hoezo busy?

Everything you need to know to better master your personal life

Why misunderstanding?

Everything you need to know about 
communication and team dynamics

Why conflicting?

Everything you need to know about conflicts of interest

Why struggle?

Everything you need to know to point your company strategically into the right direction

Why toned?

Everything you need to know to remove your company of redundancies

We are happy to help you a few steps further

A dedicated professional is of great value to an organization and actually doesn’t deserve difficult conversations, high work pressure or hassle in the team.

Heemskerk academy promises you better control over these everyday challenges in the workplace. Maybe that makes your work even more fun. How nice would that be?

Better control over what professionals experience as difficult contributes to more energy, employability, acceptance, flexibility and job satisfaction. Our effective “Why?” training portfolio contains practical themes that are known to professionals who often (not always openly) struggle with them.

We are happy to work with you to broaden your horizon.

Trainings of Heemskerk academy


You are a professional with a unique view of the processes and people within your organization. Moreover, you know your customers like no other. You will not find any “one size fits all” or scripts in the training and coaching method of Heemskerk academy. Heemskerk academy is convinced that you can make the right decisions yourself, while our trainers offer you the tools and insights that can broaden your horizon, accelerate or delay decision-making, and adjust your balance between reason and emotion.


In a world where everyone is judged by targets, visibility, soft skills, professional ethics and individual contributions to the core values of the organization, training must contribute to this. Something interesting is not always relevant. Interesting topics or insights can inspire and contribute to better results. Heemskerk academy creates that balance in every training and coaching.


You should omit anything that adds no value. This applies to the content of the Heemskerk academy training courses. How do trainers know what should be omitted in your specific situation? By listening to you and the other students beforehand – and during the training. From a sober attitude and the trainer’s open-mindedness, we work with scientifically based theories, methods or behavioral models. No-nonsense does mean that there is room for humor and lightness of course.


Heemskerk academy knows the industry in which you work and knows what is going on. The trainers will of course familiarize themselves with your organization and its core values in advance. It is up to you to decide what you want to focus on in a training or coaching session. This creates the link with daily practice. A successful training or valuable coaching session is created together.


Heemskerk acacdemy trains and coaches based on a positive image of every person, equality and diversity. There is no right or wrong in communication and behavior. The question is always whether the way you act is functional and effective in a specific context or function. The Heemskerk academy trainers also regularly ask themselves this question in order to achieve their professional goals and to maintain the relationships on which they depend.

Why trainings by Heemskerk academy?

Knowledge and experience from the dynamic world of figures and people, cash flow and forecasts, growth and downfall, book smart and street wise are bundled when collaborating with Heemskerk academy. You could say the best of both worlds.

Heemskerk academy helps you in a practical and fun way with the challenges in your professional career.

Who is the training for

For managers and teams who want to look at aspects from their daily work from a new perspective. We have categorized these aspects into the most common themes: difficult conversations, life & career management, team dynamics and the management of conflict situations.

In addition, Heemskerk academy has developed training courses for entrepreneurs and their business focused on helping answer strategic issues or applying lean management.

Where do trainings of Heemskerk academy differ from others?

Heemskerk academy works with experienced trainers who have experienced a lot of things first hand in their working experience, want to improve themselves continuously and are convinced that the success of a training depends on the openness of the participants. Trust, interaction and reflection are therefore anchored in our training courses. Also have a look at about us. That could also make some difference.


What is meant by executive training?

The training courses are aimed at improving knowledge and skills needed to remain independent, autonomous and successful as an executive or managerial professional in a constantly changing working environment.

My employees have a permanent education obligation. Are the training courses eligible for registration?


To what extent can the training courses be adjusted to daily practice in my organization?

Fully. The training courses link daily practice to individual and group assignments and teach you to look at it differently at different levels.

Do I pay per individual participant or does a fixed price per day?

Both options are possible. The training courses and the agreements that we make with you are tailor-made.

Where are the trainings given?

Our training courses can be given in-company as well as at an external location based on your preference.

Who are we for?

Unfortunately, there is no organization that does not have difficult conversations, and that is free from hassle within teams. We come across people in every organization who have difficulty keeping all the balls in the air (or even dropping some). Heemskerk academy focuses on high professionals in a number of sectors with which it has experience and affinity:

  • Audit and accountancy*
  • Legal profession*
  • Businesses with privately or publicly listed companies
  • Health and safety service providers (Dutch: arbo)
  • Banks
  • Municipalities
  • Law enforcement
  • Health insurers and health care providers

* Specifically for auditors, accountants and lawyers we have a training offer where CPE credits (Dutch: PE-punten) are awarded. Is your industry not listed in above selection? Also then we would like to meet you.

Tailormade trainings

Introductory meeting

In introductory meeting, Heemskerk academy addresses your specific training needs. Where are the opportunities and needs of your employees?



Based on your specific expectations and needs, Heemskerk academy draws up a unique training program that suits your employees and organization.

Training day

The training day is planned in consultation with you and organized in detail by Heemskerk academy.

Order a training from the successful ‘Why?’ series?

Every training is tailormade for your company

In close cooperation we make a quote that is tailored to your specific needs.

Price on request

Interested in our trainings?